

This section goes over the basics of changing animations. They are a bit complicated. We will be using the example of a spinning cursor (Thanks sven64!).

You will need

Switch toolbox

Spinning Cursor

  1. Extract and launch Kuriimu2.exe.
  2. Install the .Net 3 framework if it asks you to.
  3. Select File >> Open.
  4. Navigate to your HMRT folder from Start.
  5. Navigate to ExtractedRomFS
  6. Open launcher.lz.
  7. Select the anim section. This is where all the animations for your home menu are stored.
    • In this example, we will be using the file that contains the cursor animation loop.
  8. Locate and right click LncCsr_00_Loop.bclan
  9. Select Extract.
  10. Save the file in a place you can find easily.
  11. Extract and open Toolbox.exe from
  12. Select File >> Open
  13. Locate your extracted LncCsr_00_Loop.bclan and open it.
  14. It will now open in a switch toolbox subwindow. Open the file inside switch toolbox.
  15. Open the Animation Info section.
    • This is where animation data is stored.
  16. Expand and right click W_CsrLgt_00 and hit “Add Animation Group”.
    • W_CsrLgt_00 is the main cursor color (needs factchecking)
  17. Hit Ok.
  18. Right click your new animation group and hit “Add Target” to add an animation.
  19. From the dropdown select “Rotate Z” to add a rotation animation on the Z axis.
  20. Right click your new animation, and hit “Add Keyframe” two times.
    • This is the start and end of the animation.
  21. Select your first keyframe (Key Frame 0) and change the slope value to 3.
    • This might be the interpolation type (fact checking needed)
  22. Select your second keyframe (Key Frame 1) and change the slope value to 3.
  23. Change the Frame value to 60, this will make the animation loop every 60 frames.
  24. Change “Value” to 180.
    • Because we have a RotateZ animation, this will rotate it 180 degrees every time the animation loops.
  25. Right click Animation Info on the left pane and hit “Add Animation Group”
    • This adds a new group of animations.
  26. Name it W_CsrF_00 and hit Ok.
    • This will animate the drop shadow (fact checking needed).
  27. Right click it and hit “Add Animation Group”.
  28. Change the target to “Rotate Z” then hit Ok.
  29. Repeat steps 18-24.
  30. Close the window you have been working in. The left pane will start with - LncCsr_00_Loop.bclan.
  31. Click the floppy disk save button in the top left and hit Ok.
  32. Return to your Kuriimu2 window.
  33. Right click LncCsr_00_Loop.bclan and hit “Replace”.
  34. Open the LncCsr_00_Loop.bclan you just edited.
  35. Click the floppy disk save button in the top left.
  36. Try out your animation on your console by using steps 4-5 in Start!